The time is here. Just a few more days until we get to meet our precious child. All the little worries from the last 40 weeks of pregnancy seem to creep up on me these last final days. Will the baby be healthy? Will the delivery go okay? Will my boys do okay with the transition. Do people still die in childbirth? Do babies? Please just be safe! Reflecting on this new life has made me grateful for the time I've had with my two older boys and it makes me only hope that I can be as close to number three.
We've been on a serious hunt for a name these last couple months. Like serious! Nothing just seems to feel right. Even though I'm a planner (which is the understatement of the century) and am the least decisive person you'll ever meet, I guess we go to the hospital and see what this babe looks like before picking. I just want him to have an awesome name... No pressure, right?
As far as pain and being miserable, just a few more short days. Because I want to be certain I get the entire IV of medicine (it's supposed to go through 4 hours before delivery) for the Strep B, I think it's safer to get started this time. I'd feel so guilty if I didn't and something happened to our sweetie. So that means I'll have three deliveries that are all different... Water broke/epidural, unmedicated in hospital and now an induction (please pray not a c-section though).
Here's to the excitement of a new baby and the emotions of the next few days. I can't wait to have this baby in my arms!!!
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Uncle Andy got hitched. We are so excited for him too. When I met Andy he was 14 so I've seen him change and grow through the years and I'm ecstatic for his new stage of being a newlywed and parenting a 7 year old. He'll do awesome and we couldn't be happier than welcoming another little boy to the family to join our all boys clan!
For the past month or so, I have experienced intense Braxton Hicks. No big deal, right? Ya, it wouldn't be except this is the first time I have ever had them with any of my three pregnancies and because of it, my body thinks it needs to give them super duper intense to make up for it. Ouch!
I can't walk normal anymore with my pelvic pain and all this gosh darn pressure. I try my hardest to suck it up but I swear I walk like a 90 year old. I'll never make fun of waddling ever again. It's not a choice, it's a sad reality.
For the past month or so, I have experienced intense Braxton Hicks. No big deal, right? Ya, it wouldn't be except this is the first time I have ever had them with any of my three pregnancies and because of it, my body thinks it needs to give them super duper intense to make up for it. Ouch!
I can't walk normal anymore with my pelvic pain and all this gosh darn pressure. I try my hardest to suck it up but I swear I walk like a 90 year old. I'll never make fun of waddling ever again. It's not a choice, it's a sad reality.
Week 33-35
As I've realized this sweet little baby will be here in a blink of an eye, I have felt a little anxiety about not having everything perfectly ready for him. He won't have a perfect little nursery to come home to (or for a while for that matter) and we don't even have a car that will fit three car seats (also not for a while). Poor kid needs a name, something to wear on the way home from the hospital and all the little extras to help his entrance into this world be a great one.
We may not have our lives together or know where the heck we are going to live but this baby will come into a family that already adores him. He has the best two big brothers and parents that are giddy about meeting him. I just have to think the rest will all fall into place and if nothing else he'll know he is loved!
Trudging on with a smile and hope!
We may not have our lives together or know where the heck we are going to live but this baby will come into a family that already adores him. He has the best two big brothers and parents that are giddy about meeting him. I just have to think the rest will all fall into place and if nothing else he'll know he is loved!
Trudging on with a smile and hope!
Sunday, June 8, 2014
week 29-32
This baby has traveled to and from Sin City more times than most people do in a lifetime! Lucky kid. It was so fun to go back and see the lights, our friends and our old stomping ground but it was also hard packing up and saying goodbye to our house. We had so many fun memories there. We celebrated Chris' pharmacy school graduation, we brought Smith home from the hospital and we spent many hours just spending time as a little family. Those two years have some of the best memories...
Now the house is sold and it's on to the next chapter. Four moves and pregnant every time (we moved twice in Vegas with Smith). We are more than ready to build a house and finally be settled.
It seems crazy there is only 10 weeks before we get to meet this babe. Who will he look like and will he be chill like Hayes or be the boss like Smith. Our three little boys and our family of five. Love. Oh this active little blessing growing inside.
For me, I want Dr. Pepper 10 everyday and like last time I crave smoothies or snow cones. I'm sure it's normal to feel 60 weeks pregnant at this point since it's baby three, right?
10 (ish) more weeks to go..
Now the house is sold and it's on to the next chapter. Four moves and pregnant every time (we moved twice in Vegas with Smith). We are more than ready to build a house and finally be settled.
It seems crazy there is only 10 weeks before we get to meet this babe. Who will he look like and will he be chill like Hayes or be the boss like Smith. Our three little boys and our family of five. Love. Oh this active little blessing growing inside.
For me, I want Dr. Pepper 10 everyday and like last time I crave smoothies or snow cones. I'm sure it's normal to feel 60 weeks pregnant at this point since it's baby three, right?
10 (ish) more weeks to go..
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Week 25-28
My heart just melts when we get to see this baby's sweet face! Everything looked perfect at our big ultrasound and our little dude was as adorable as expected. He was curled up in the sweetest little ball (even though he feels like he is stretched out doing backflips) with his knees up by his head and little hands making fists. I love him already.
We've made our way to Utah to live for the past month while Chris is working so the second trimester has flown by. I can't believe we will meet this babe in a few short months. We've started a name list but a start is all we've gotten. Boy number three is hard to name and we are just waiting to find something perfect! Besides working on a name, we have a carseat and that's about as far as we've got.
Now we are headed back to Vegas next week to pack up our house and officially move to Utah. It took us four months but we finally sold our house. One less stress, thankfully! Now to find ourselves somewhere to live...
We've made our way to Utah to live for the past month while Chris is working so the second trimester has flown by. I can't believe we will meet this babe in a few short months. We've started a name list but a start is all we've gotten. Boy number three is hard to name and we are just waiting to find something perfect! Besides working on a name, we have a carseat and that's about as far as we've got.
Now we are headed back to Vegas next week to pack up our house and officially move to Utah. It took us four months but we finally sold our house. One less stress, thankfully! Now to find ourselves somewhere to live...
Week 20-24
Disneyland! ...again. This time we went with Chris' family.
Disneyland is always fun, especially with kids but being pregnant in Disneyland is a different story. Endless walking quickly turns into endless waddling. We put our annual passes to good use but I'm afraid this was our last trip for a long time. We could sing It's a Small World front and backwards by now and in 5 different languages.
Unfortunately, this trip brought back the splendid separated pelvic bone that Smith introduced us to. Say goodbye to normal walking, squatting down or just carrying around a 1 1/2 year old. I forgot how awful this felt. Yesterday I wasn't thinking and started running while holding Smith and I almost thought this baby was going to slide on out. No good! Ouch!
On the other hand, we are getting excited to meet this little dude! Everyone asks if we'll have another blondie or brunette, curly or straight hair. I just hope we get a healthy babe! It's always on this paranoid mom's mind.
Disneyland is always fun, especially with kids but being pregnant in Disneyland is a different story. Endless walking quickly turns into endless waddling. We put our annual passes to good use but I'm afraid this was our last trip for a long time. We could sing It's a Small World front and backwards by now and in 5 different languages.
Unfortunately, this trip brought back the splendid separated pelvic bone that Smith introduced us to. Say goodbye to normal walking, squatting down or just carrying around a 1 1/2 year old. I forgot how awful this felt. Yesterday I wasn't thinking and started running while holding Smith and I almost thought this baby was going to slide on out. No good! Ouch!
On the other hand, we are getting excited to meet this little dude! Everyone asks if we'll have another blondie or brunette, curly or straight hair. I just hope we get a healthy babe! It's always on this paranoid mom's mind.
Yep, that's right... there is no week 15! We skipped it all together! When we were in Utah, I went to the doctor for an ultrasound (it costs the same there if we have 2 ultrasounds or 22 so we might as well). Baby was measuring 15w 1d and Utah didn't know about the previous Aug 4 due date, so they gave me July 27! Yaay for a week earlier! Not like it makes that big of a difference assuming this baby will come as early as his brothers did - Hayes came 4 days early and Smith 5.
We most definitely 200% were right at the 12 week appointment too. This baby is all boy! I kind of expected to be a little sad I wouldn't have a girl (this may be our last baby), but the thought of these three brothers being best friends is exciting. Maybe next time I see a pair of sparkly baby shoes it might hit me, but I kind of knew we were having a boy. I can't wait to have another boy to look up to Hayes... and now Smith too.
It's our last few weeks in Vegas, so we are saying goodbye to our friends and getting ready for a new adventure. I won't be sad trying to keep a house spotless with two boys around while we show it to people, but we'll definitely miss a lot of awesome people down here!
And just for the record, I look pregnant!!! Like, no questions as soon as the second trimester hit. Ha, my body knew what to do and here came a little bump!
We most definitely 200% were right at the 12 week appointment too. This baby is all boy! I kind of expected to be a little sad I wouldn't have a girl (this may be our last baby), but the thought of these three brothers being best friends is exciting. Maybe next time I see a pair of sparkly baby shoes it might hit me, but I kind of knew we were having a boy. I can't wait to have another boy to look up to Hayes... and now Smith too.
It's our last few weeks in Vegas, so we are saying goodbye to our friends and getting ready for a new adventure. I won't be sad trying to keep a house spotless with two boys around while we show it to people, but we'll definitely miss a lot of awesome people down here!
And just for the record, I look pregnant!!! Like, no questions as soon as the second trimester hit. Ha, my body knew what to do and here came a little bump!
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Week 12-14
Disneyland and a doctor appointment. Disneyland actually turned out to be great. There's not much difference between being sick at home or on vacation, except by the end of the day I was exhausted! We had so much fun with the Froerers and got to use our passes one more time before we move.
Our doctor appointment went well too. We once again were able to see a little heartbeat and the little baby even waved at us. When we were sitting there, I could have sworn I saw boy parts but the ultrasound tech didn't say anything except asked Hayes if he wanted a brother or a sister. At this point Hayes would go along with anything so he just smiled at her. I couldn't take it any longer so I just asked, "Did you see what I think I saw?" Yep, she guessed we were having a little boy too. Chris said there was no way that wasn't little boy parts, even though he (and Kami) were the only ones guessing girl. We've seen them twice now and there isn't much mistaking that!
We (me and the 3? boys) are headed to Utah again to look for somewhere to build, so once again wish us luck!
Our doctor appointment went well too. We once again were able to see a little heartbeat and the little baby even waved at us. When we were sitting there, I could have sworn I saw boy parts but the ultrasound tech didn't say anything except asked Hayes if he wanted a brother or a sister. At this point Hayes would go along with anything so he just smiled at her. I couldn't take it any longer so I just asked, "Did you see what I think I saw?" Yep, she guessed we were having a little boy too. Chris said there was no way that wasn't little boy parts, even though he (and Kami) were the only ones guessing girl. We've seen them twice now and there isn't much mistaking that!
We (me and the 3? boys) are headed to Utah again to look for somewhere to build, so once again wish us luck!
Weeks 7-11
Oh dear food aversions! Some women have cravings, some women have aversions... I have both. The thought of a hamburger makes me sick. Seeing billboards with Burger King or McDonalds cheeseburgers makes me want to vomit. Even typing about burgers makes me scrunch my nose in disgust. I've never really had problems with food like I have this pregnancy. I'll make dinner and by the time it's done, it doesn't even look appealing anymore (which is hard when fast food is even less appealing). The only thing that ever sounds good is a good old Orange Julius.
We went to the doctor at 7 weeks and it was a little emotional to see a little heartbeat in there. I needed that reassurance! Our due date is officially August 4th and we couldn't be more excited. So, since everything looked pretty good in there, a few weeks later we decided to tell our family while in Utah. I think they were all truly surprised, but we got the biggest surprise when CVS offered Chris a job back in Utah. They gave him a promotion and we'd be able to build a house, so everything looks like it will work out perfectly! We kind of do things in groups in our lives - job, moving, car, baby. It's a pattern by now. We did them all with Hayes and Smith, why not do it all at once again?
I've officially gotten sicker with each pregnancy. I've been so bad for the last 6 weeks I even wake myself up in the middle of the night with nausea. It's beyond ridiculous. I said with Smith I have morning and night sickness, well if that's the case, with this baby I have every minute of the day sickness. It's not very often that I don't feel so completely nauseous to the point of frustration. I know, I know, it'll pass but it is really hard waiting for it to end.
Well, we are off to Disneyland for a few days (which we planned a long time ago with friends and may not be the funnest trip for sick old me) and then it's time to get serious on finding someone to buy our house (and therefore packing). Wish us luck!
We went to the doctor at 7 weeks and it was a little emotional to see a little heartbeat in there. I needed that reassurance! Our due date is officially August 4th and we couldn't be more excited. So, since everything looked pretty good in there, a few weeks later we decided to tell our family while in Utah. I think they were all truly surprised, but we got the biggest surprise when CVS offered Chris a job back in Utah. They gave him a promotion and we'd be able to build a house, so everything looks like it will work out perfectly! We kind of do things in groups in our lives - job, moving, car, baby. It's a pattern by now. We did them all with Hayes and Smith, why not do it all at once again?
I've officially gotten sicker with each pregnancy. I've been so bad for the last 6 weeks I even wake myself up in the middle of the night with nausea. It's beyond ridiculous. I said with Smith I have morning and night sickness, well if that's the case, with this baby I have every minute of the day sickness. It's not very often that I don't feel so completely nauseous to the point of frustration. I know, I know, it'll pass but it is really hard waiting for it to end.
Well, we are off to Disneyland for a few days (which we planned a long time ago with friends and may not be the funnest trip for sick old me) and then it's time to get serious on finding someone to buy our house (and therefore packing). Wish us luck!
3.5-6 weeks
The first two pregnancies were a complete mystery. Is this a symptom? Is this normal? By number three most things have now become a pattern. Unfortunately, once I've got this thing down to clockwork, it may be the last time we need this information (well, if it was up to Chris anyway). I say let's wait and see.
Just like Smith, I knew before I was 4 weeks. And just like Smith, I was surprised to see that second line on the pregnancy test. I just wasn't expecting it and it took my breathe away. So, how do I tell Chris? I snuck downstairs and downloaded a bunch of "What to Expect" pregnancy apps on his phone, haha. It didn't even take him 15 minutes before he came up, "Ummm, is this a hint?" So funny! We are so excited to add another little bean to our family. We knew it had been time and someone was waiting to join our family of four. Wow, five? We are so blessed!
So once again , I felt like a had a short run with the flu (just the baby flu) with some 4 week body aches and stuffy nose and such. Of course let's not ever forget the middle of the night peeing. Oh how I'll never embrace that symptom. Everyone knows I love my sleep.
Anyway, I have a seven (ish) week appointment with a new doctor here in Vegas (I couldn't handle not getting more than one ultrasound to see this little sweetie is okay every month- call me paranoid or maybe just concerned- so I'm seeing a perinatal. Why doesn't Vegas get up with technology?). We'll pray that this early Dr. Bohman can show us a little heartbeat. Then a few weeks later, we are headed to Utah for Christmas so we might have to share the news with everyone. This might be the first time everyone is truly surprised. We can't wait!
What a blessing being a mom is! I can't imagine life without our two little rowdy boys and even though I'm sure we are in for some crazy times ahead, I can't imagine life any other way. I'm truly giddy!
Note: baby nasuea started at week 5, of course when we were in the car for 9 hours driving to Utah in the biggest snow storm ever on our way to my grandpa's funeral. Good grief, talk about timing. That's okay, I'll take pregnancy symptoms. Helps me think everything is okay in there. Here's how I cope, I'm sick if I don't have something in my stomach, so I eat. All day. Then I'm fat and the thought of being fat makes me even sicker... So I eat again. Lovely cycle. Haha!
Just like Smith, I knew before I was 4 weeks. And just like Smith, I was surprised to see that second line on the pregnancy test. I just wasn't expecting it and it took my breathe away. So, how do I tell Chris? I snuck downstairs and downloaded a bunch of "What to Expect" pregnancy apps on his phone, haha. It didn't even take him 15 minutes before he came up, "Ummm, is this a hint?" So funny! We are so excited to add another little bean to our family. We knew it had been time and someone was waiting to join our family of four. Wow, five? We are so blessed!
So once again , I felt like a had a short run with the flu (just the baby flu) with some 4 week body aches and stuffy nose and such. Of course let's not ever forget the middle of the night peeing. Oh how I'll never embrace that symptom. Everyone knows I love my sleep.
Anyway, I have a seven (ish) week appointment with a new doctor here in Vegas (I couldn't handle not getting more than one ultrasound to see this little sweetie is okay every month- call me paranoid or maybe just concerned- so I'm seeing a perinatal. Why doesn't Vegas get up with technology?). We'll pray that this early Dr. Bohman can show us a little heartbeat. Then a few weeks later, we are headed to Utah for Christmas so we might have to share the news with everyone. This might be the first time everyone is truly surprised. We can't wait!
What a blessing being a mom is! I can't imagine life without our two little rowdy boys and even though I'm sure we are in for some crazy times ahead, I can't imagine life any other way. I'm truly giddy!
Note: baby nasuea started at week 5, of course when we were in the car for 9 hours driving to Utah in the biggest snow storm ever on our way to my grandpa's funeral. Good grief, talk about timing. That's okay, I'll take pregnancy symptoms. Helps me think everything is okay in there. Here's how I cope, I'm sick if I don't have something in my stomach, so I eat. All day. Then I'm fat and the thought of being fat makes me even sicker... So I eat again. Lovely cycle. Haha!
Smith at 1
The first year of Smith's life has gone by way too fast. As he now waddles around the house I have to ask myself when he changed from being my baby to a little dude. I never want to forget some of the things about my little guy though... Like his adorable little teeth coming in. At his first birthday he had 7 teeth (four on the top and three uneven teeth on the bottom. Cutest uneven smile ever). I also never want to forget his obsession with the stairs and his immediate love for his brother. Everything Hayes does is so hilarious to Smith and he already tries to copy his every move.
The funniest thing about our not so baby is the way he can talk you (ahem, me) into doing anything he wants. He's quite the charmer. He points and grunts and grabs your finger and is very persistent until you give on to whatever he's demanding. He doesn't talk to us very much, but man can he get his way!
I'd also be missing a bit of his cute personality if I didn't mention his love for food. During the day, he'll bring me fruit snack package after granola bar begging for me to open them. His favorite spot in the house is the pantry and he's even learned to get the door open somehow. It's so strange having a kid that you don't have to force to eat.
Everyone we meet tells us Smith is the happiest baby they've met. He's always smiling and waving at people, even though he doesn't really want to go to many of them (especially if mom's in the room. We got ourself one heck of a mommas boy and I love it!). But he really is the smiliest and happiest baby!
We love our adorably stubborn, attention demanding, happy one year old!
The funniest thing about our not so baby is the way he can talk you (ahem, me) into doing anything he wants. He's quite the charmer. He points and grunts and grabs your finger and is very persistent until you give on to whatever he's demanding. He doesn't talk to us very much, but man can he get his way!
I'd also be missing a bit of his cute personality if I didn't mention his love for food. During the day, he'll bring me fruit snack package after granola bar begging for me to open them. His favorite spot in the house is the pantry and he's even learned to get the door open somehow. It's so strange having a kid that you don't have to force to eat.
Everyone we meet tells us Smith is the happiest baby they've met. He's always smiling and waving at people, even though he doesn't really want to go to many of them (especially if mom's in the room. We got ourself one heck of a mommas boy and I love it!). But he really is the smiliest and happiest baby!
We love our adorably stubborn, attention demanding, happy one year old!
Hayes at 4
When he walks in a room, he's a little shy at first but when he warms up, he's a hoot. That's my little four year old! He loves his friends more than anything and wears his sensitive heart on his sleeve. He is obsessed with his dog, electronics (Wii, ipad, ipod-you name it), sports and would much rather wear a hat than get his hair done.
I love that my little buddy is getting so big and says things like, "that really freaks me out" and asks a million questions about everything, "how do Orcas get into acquariums?" Or "let's talk about ---- (how the rain is made, how we build houses, etc)". One of the cutest things Hayes does is says, "right?" after everything that comes out of his mouth. He sounds like a teenager. "Mom, that's funny...right?"
School concepts come easy to him and he loves preschool. When he does something he is proud of, he is the first to fist pump himself and say "yeah!" Oh the curiosity this kid has is amazing. He asks daily anything from what the inside of the Earth looks like to why geysers steam. He wants to know how buildings stay up and is always asking how to spell people's names.
I can't even say how often Hayes has us laughing and how much we enjoy just hanging out with the little guy. We love you Hazard!!!
Right now he says his favorite is...
Food: lucky charms
TV show: Rabbids
Movie: Despicable Me 2
Color: Orange and Blue
Acivity: Jumping on the tramp
Friend: Knox
Restaurant: McDonalds with a playground
I love that my little buddy is getting so big and says things like, "that really freaks me out" and asks a million questions about everything, "how do Orcas get into acquariums?" Or "let's talk about ---- (how the rain is made, how we build houses, etc)". One of the cutest things Hayes does is says, "right?" after everything that comes out of his mouth. He sounds like a teenager. "Mom, that's funny...right?"
School concepts come easy to him and he loves preschool. When he does something he is proud of, he is the first to fist pump himself and say "yeah!" Oh the curiosity this kid has is amazing. He asks daily anything from what the inside of the Earth looks like to why geysers steam. He wants to know how buildings stay up and is always asking how to spell people's names.
The best thing about Hayes is his love for others and the sweetness he shows. He's always hugging us and telling us he loves us as big as outer space. I'll never get sick of his little displays of affections or the way he touches my hair. He might be big but he's still my little baby.
I can't even say how often Hayes has us laughing and how much we enjoy just hanging out with the little guy. We love you Hazard!!!
Right now he says his favorite is...
Food: lucky charms
TV show: Rabbids
Movie: Despicable Me 2
Color: Orange and Blue
Acivity: Jumping on the tramp
Friend: Knox
Restaurant: McDonalds with a playground
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
I'm your brother!
Hayes calls him "Sniff" and Sniff is his newest best friend that he can adore every little hair and eyelash on. He wants to hold him all the time and is constantly kissing and asking if he can "pet" him. Sniff gets sung to and told "I love you baby brother" all day long. My favorite is how he tells him "Aaaawwww, your so ca-uuute!" I love these boys and am so glad they have each other.
Since not many people could come to Vegas while we were in the hospital, we wanted to document the special moment of two brothers meeting for the first time to share with you all.
Since not many people could come to Vegas while we were in the hospital, we wanted to document the special moment of two brothers meeting for the first time to share with you all.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Welcome to the world!
Unreal. The whole experience already seems so awesomely unreal. If I wasn't there in that oxytocin filled room breathing in those love hormones, I wouldn't even think it was my story to tell. If I didn't see our gorgeous baby being placed on my chest with my own eyes, I would have claimed it all a dream. An awesome dream.
Hopefully I can remember all the details before they become an even more fuzzy story in my head. As I hold my few day old baby, everything seems to have happened so many long sleepless nights ago.
We left our doctors appointment Tuesday and (no surprise) I had cramps that night going to bed. Nothing out of the normal as I was only dilated to a two. I woke up a few times through the night with more cramps, again normal- no big deal as I was used to getting up several times through the night anyway. It wasn't until just before five that I started to pay attention to see if these cramps could actually have a pattern and not be cramps at all. I've never had Braxton Hicks or anything with either pregnancy so I couldn't quite remember the feeling I was looking for to see if this was for real or not. Close to six, I woke up Chris and an hour later called my dad for him to get ready for his long drive ahead, just in case this was it. The contractions were so sporadic and random I told Chris to head to work and I'd be fine. My dad decided to take off down the road just in case. Good thing he did.
By 11 I was trying to lug my hospital bags down the stairs between contractions and drop Hayes off with a (heaven sent) neighbor. I probably gave Chris a little scare when I called him and told him he'd better leave soon. I can now tell you I was crazy and didn't realize I probably shouldn't have driven to the hospital myself but all of a sudden my contractions went from six to three minutes apart in one contraction, so I felt a little urgency. Yes, I do now know how long the stop lights on Eastern are-approximately one contraction. At one point I glanced over at the guy waiting in the car next to me at the light and had to chuckle as I breathed through a contraction. If he only knew. The contractions were coming hard but definitely still tolerable.
When I checked into the hospital at noon I was a five and Chris and I were still laughing between contractions. Easy peasy, right? Hands sweating, nervous anticipation, today was the day we had been waiting for all this time! As my contractions kept getting harder, the nurse kept asking if we wanted to break my water because it was "bulging" and the only thing stopping the baby's head from coming down more. At that point I wanted my body to be ready before my water broke so we gave it a chance to break on its own. I knew the contractions would get harder after it broke and I was about to find out how (truly) true that is.
All I have to say is my nurse owes me. When my water broke with Hayes I was home asleep in bed and got the pleasure of some bonding time cleaning it up with my hubby. This time I thought I had to pee so I actually went into the bathroom and sat down through another contraction and my water broke right there. Your welcome for the no mess clean up Miss nurse Keri. After that it was game on.
The nurse wanted me back in bed and on the monitor so she could check me. I'm pretty sure it took me 15 minutes to make my way across the room and attempt to get back in the bed. At this point I wasn't happy about getting hooked back up to the darn monitor anyway. I guess I wasn't happy about much as I was finally feeling some pain. I was ready and I wanted to meet my baby.
My plan was to walk to help the labor and switch positions during contractions. Little did I know I'd hardly have time for much of that. When I scurried back into bed they checked me again and quickly called the doctor because they could feel little baby's head coming. Good thing the doctor was already downstairs because as she walked in minutes later, I felt like it was time.
My regular doctor was out of town so his fill-in (Dr. Leon) was the one to be catching. I hate to say it but I didn't really love her and our personalities didn't quite mesh so her telling me to ignore every natural urge I had to push didn't go over all that great. She said there was still a lip of my cervix we needed to wait for but I felt like it wasn't my decision and this babe was coming if she liked it or not.
Here's when the hard part started. The actual pushing was hard, don't get me wrong, but the real hard part was when they told me to stop pushing and wait for the next contraction. That's when I doubted if I could do it. I'm not sure if it was the pain or my cheerleaders (Chris and Francie reassuring me I could do it and I was so close) but I couldn't stop pushing and my body just did its own thing to get our guy out. After three short pushes, during contractions or not, Chris and I got to experience the miracle of watching our son placed on my chest. It was a moment I'd relive everyday if I could.
It was hard, it was magical and we did it! I've never felt more supported by my husband and proud to bring another sweet boy into this world!
“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”
― Lao Tzu
Smith Scott Torgersen
9/12/12 @ 2:05 pm
9lb 1 oz & 21 in
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Week 38/39
I'm writing this after the fact, but week 38/39 definitely needs to be remembered. Because Hayes came early I kept anticipating meeting this little boy early too. Every time I'd bump my huge tummy into a door or chair I'd think, "That might be the last time I do that." Every time I'd put on a shirt that no longer covered my bump I'd think, "that'll be the last shirt I grow out of." ...and every time I was wrong. More bumps, less clothes that fit.
By the end of the week I started doubting he was ever going to make his debut. I started asking people about Castor oil and did google searches on how to make your baby drop. His little butt was still in my ribs and he had a long way down ahead of him. Talk about discouragement. I was well past uncomfortable at this point (and I bet he was pretty squashed from all the extra amniotic I had too).
Tuesday we had an appointment with the doctor. Our doctor was out of town so we met Dr. Leon. As much as I wanted to love her, the second she left the room Chris and I looked at each other and both didn't feel comfortable. We had done all this planning on going natural and within minutes of meeting us she was talking about needing a c-section and the need for pitocin in labor because our baby was big and his shoulders "will definitely get stuck."
My thoughts went from getting this baby out to please hold on another week so Dr.Sauter can get home.
Good thing we have no say on this situation because we were only a day away from meeting our little love and this little guy didn't even give Dr. Leon a chance to change his plans on his big arrival. Boy are we so glad he's here!
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