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Thursday, July 31, 2008

On a more serious note

When something's bouncing around in my brain, my first reaction is to reach for a piece of paper. I guess that's why I love blogging so much. It's somewhere to lock all my thoughts in one place and who knows, maybe even entertain someone for 30 seconds. So, I'm not trying to be like Rev Run who sits in a bubble bath and spreads encouragement through his blackberry, but I do want to make sense of the rubble in my head. Here's my fragments...

Sometimes it’s so easy to get down on ourselves. I’m sure I shouldn’t be saying such things out loud because it has to be some type of social disaster to let others know you aren’t perfect, but sometimes our lows seem unbearably low. It’s hard to accept that cloudy days are a part of life too. I’ve been starting to believe that I was the only person born with tear ducts, so therefore I had to overcompensate for others lack of.

Our world sets us up to believe that everyone has a perfect life…except us. People are fast to talk about their perfect this and that, but how fast are we to tell the real stories? Real is so refreshing. We hide the hard things and put our “perfection” on a pedestal for all to see, and we continue the cycle that makes us all believe that everyone else is perfect, except us.

At any given time during the day, each one of us could probably look up and see the handful of expectations hovering over our heads. If by some random chance that just one of those expectations fall, we chalk it up to being a complete failure.

Instead of trying to help each other out in this tricky world, we feel like we have to compete. Instead of working on our relationships, we are quick to feel alone. Instead of asking for help, we hide. Even though I have a lot of great blessings in my life, I’ll tell everyone right now that my life isn’t perfect and yes, I have bad days too. I think we are all a little more alike in this category than we talk about. Lately, I have felt like no matter how hard I try, I always trip and fall just short of the finish line. No matter how much I give, I’m not quite there. There’s always something I should have thought about.

All we can do is be better. Let’s all forget each other’s faults, be real, and then try to help each other survive this crazy world. No more unreal expectations. Everyone needs a support group and it can never be big enough.

My new to-do list:
embrace who I am
let those that rock know they rock
don’t drag myself over the coals
be a better friend


Erin said...

Oh Mitzi, you don't know how bad I needed to read this right now! It seems like when it rains it POURS! I know you wrote these thoughts for you, but I have to tell you THANK you for putting your thoughts on your blog so others can read them (like me:).
You are such a sweetheart and I think we are alot alike!! I am going to steal your "to-do" list and add them to mine!!

Thanks for sharing!!

Darcie said...

Mitzi, I have to agree with Erin I am so glad I read this today, I also needed it. It's true I think we all look at other people and think that their lives are all perfect and wonderful, and really their not! But thanks so much for your thoughts, they made me realize that I'm not the only one with an unperfect life....LOL
Thanks! Ü

Unknown said...

Okay. Are you kidding me? You have this unbelievable talent of writing. You really will be famous one day for your incredible writing abilities. You need to write a book on self-motivation or something like that or maybe you could be a motivational speaker. I really believe this talent of yours will bless alot of lives. Thankyou!

Chelle said...

Well stated Mitz! And to add to that, I think sometimes people, me included, get so wrapped up in pretending that our lives are prefect that we actually start to believe it! When something goes wrong we feel like our lives are over!! It's turned into this huge ordeal. Instead, we all need to sit back, evaluate our lives, realize that our families aren't perfect even though we'd like to make others think they are! We should take the neccesary steps to better ourselves instead of focusing on the fact that someone found out we're not perfect! Here's to being real, owning our short falls and bettering our selves! No more grudges and pitty parties! You call it like you see it!! No more sugar coating stuff! Life's too short and friends are too few! Thanks Mitzi! I love you to death!

Amelia said...

First of all, I agree that daytime tv sucks and I'm ready for the fall season to start!! The time I was home with the baby I watched a lot of movies and dvd's of friends! Second, can I say how much I love you!!! Very well put. None of us are perfect, and thanks for getting it out there in the open! We should all be that honest! You're a great friend and an amazing girl! I can't believe all the things you do! You're one of my favorite people to sit and just chat with, and I'm so glad you're in my life!

AnGiE said...

You are so right! I'm glad you wrote this...I needed it! You made me realize that I'm not the only one that doesn't have the "perfect" life And I have to tell you, you are such a great writer, I love reading your blog! You are such a positive person to be around!

Tori said...

What more needs to be said? Your friends have stated all my thoughts very well. Though, it can't be said enough what a great writer you are. I remember one time in Dr. Butler's class, we were asked to describe our future classroom. I quickly put my list making skills to use, and formulated a nicely bulleted list of classroom materials, word walls, and procedures, complete with a layout of the classroom furniture. Very meticulous(i.e. dull, and unimportant). Then, Dr. Butler asked you to read your response aloud, and you had written the most poetic free write I had ever heard. You focused on what your students would be doing, and learning, rather than where everything belonged. I realized that day, not only what an exemplary writer, but what a outstanding teacher you were going to be. Thanks for being who you are!

Kari said...

Hey Mitzi,
I found your blog on candice's. It's been forever! You two are so cute! Your hubby looks familiar to me. Oh, and I always see this girl at the library who reminds me of you so much.
you'll have to check out my blog! Your's is so cute!