slide show

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Week 30-32

The great divide on the Land Before Time, a fault line during an earthquake, the Grand Canyon, Moses and the Red Sea, Pangaea, oil and water, my pelvic bone...
All things that have separated.

Meri and her family came down this week so we took a casual stroll down to let the kiddos see the Bellagio fountains. Fun, as always, but that's when it happened-the separation of my pelvic bone. No worries. I don't really need that, do I?


an act or instance of separating or the state of being separated.
a place of parting.
a gap, hole, rent, or the like. Something that divides.
Ouchy momma!!! Freakity freak freak freak!!!

Somebody call the doc, this baby is trying to break his way out. I seriously turned to Chris and asked him if he was ready to catch because it felt like my insides just split in two and this babe might slide out. 

When I actually called the doctor to see if there was anything to save my pelvic bone and to relieve the pain he said, "It just happens sometimes in the end of pregnancy." Really! That's it? Again, freakity freak! He told me if it hurts to walk, don't walk. If it hurts to stand, don't stand. Ya, easy enough to do for eight more weeks ESPECIALLY with a three year old. For the love!

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